Energy Solutions for Farms and Agriculture

Effective and Clean energy storage is required to utilize renewable energy into agricultural operations. Industry experts are investigating the top power storage technologies available today for their requirements and the expanding market for renewable energy generation. The use of renewable energy will be crucial for agriculture efficiency and future. Farmers and the rest of the world will benefit greatly from the widespread adaptation of innovative renewable energy technologies in agriculture.

In modern agriculture, energy inputs are required at every stage of agricultural production, including direct energy usage in farm machinery, water management, irrigation, cultivating, and harvesting. After harvest, energy is used for food processing, storage, and delivery to markets.

Impact of Trade on Energy Demand in Agriculture

International trade has stimulated increased demand and necessitate better energy mix for processing primary agricultural products closer to the source of production in developing countries, then transporting, storing, and lastly distributing these items to developed countries. The development of more energy storage applications based on lithium ion batteries in the agriculture sector is indicated by the increased trade prospects, which raise the level of energy demand in emerging nations. Agriculture land is ideal for the sustainable generation of power communities and farmers are making the most of it with the aid of cutting-edge storage technologies.

Learn how your agricultural business can benefit by reducing its dependence on commercial power grid. We hold customer satisfaction above all else. It's time to start thinking about Climate-Smart Agriculture. Vision Mechatronics provide a viable and cost-effective measure for farmers to engage in agricultural activity while maintaining financial security.


Solar Engineering


Site Audit

Risk Analysis

Cost Estimation

Selection of appropriate Mounting Structure

Solar Procurement


Safe & secure logistic services.

Selection of best in-class solar-panels,batteries, & inverters.

With German collaboration, we provide the worlds first internet lithium ion battery.

Solar Procurement


Integrating all civil, structural & electrical work in orderly pattern.

Coordination and supervision of the commissioning process by skilled engineers.

Assure the highest level of quality within the time and cost deadlines, in total compliance with local regulations.


Site Auditing

Site Audit

Obtain Proper Permits

Obtain the proper Permits

Mounting Structure

Consider Sun's Location

Energy Storage Structure

Select Appropriate Storage & Structures

Mount Solar Panels

Mount your Solar Panels

Finalize Connections

Finalize Connections